Friday, December 17, 2010

A Whiskey Robot Hipster Holiday Mix Ribbon

Get it? Mix RIBBON

Like mix tape.

But, y'know, Christmassss-ish.

Fuck you.

(I dont normally use sendspace, thus exercising caution may be a good ide)

Click on the link and RIGHT ABOVE WHERE IT SAYS

click download =]
The Mix Ribbon

Death Cab for Cutie - Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)
Coconut Records - It's Christmas
Denison Witmer - Christmas Song
Jenny O - Prettiest Little Present
Kanye West - Christmas In Harlem
Feist - Lo, How a Rose e're Blooming
Mayer Hawthrone - Christmas Time Is Here
Monster Bobby - Silent Night
Weezer - Oh Holy Night
Weezer - The First Noel
Weezer - Silent Night
Rilo Kiley - Xmas Cake
Bright Eyes - Away In a Manger
Sara Bareilles - Winter Song
Bright Eyes - The First Noel
Bright Eyes - Silent Night
Cowboy Bebop Sndtrck - Ave Maria
The Weepies - All That I Want

Hope you enjoy it.

Happy Holidays, From PBRobot and MISstletoe.

Monday, December 6, 2010

4 Color Culture: The Role of Character in Comic Book Mythology

    Ernst Cassier, in his text The Myth of the State, makes the claim that the primary function of myth is to promote a feeling of unity and harmony between members of the society the myth belongs to. This is the lens through which I want to examine character. It's ability to aid literature in its role as myth, and in filling this role, the effect it has on uniting society and the masses. In his reflection on the genre film, Thomas Schatz says that considering something as popular folktale or myth gives it the ability to reflect ritualized collective ideals. The focus of his piece is on the role of the genre-film in culture, but the transition of his argument into the medium of literature is easily accomplished. One can see how characters that mirror aspects of humanity or that capture particular instances of the basic human condition are almost universally relatable to regardless of culture. Thus the power of character is made apparent through the life of a fictional entity we see parts of ourselves; they become a window of reliability. We relate to some of these sights, and some evoke feelings of separation, these two concepts both different and similar become a corner stone of character itself. We see the evil or selfish actions of a character and, shaking our heads disapprovingly, and compare their actions to our own that we perceive as noble or just. Though good and evil are concepts that all men and women can perceive, characters also reflect cultural conflicts, such as political, social, or economic struggles inherent to the experience a member of a particular culture would understand.

    I have for a long time considered one particular subset of literature to be an exemplary example of modern myth. The comic book, or graphic novel, reflects the society and culture around it in a way that, to borrow a phrase from Claude Levi-Strauss, creates "the expression of unobservable realities in terms of observable phenomena." It is no great leap of logic to make the claim that it does this through the characters that live within its pages. Take the villain, representing chaos and self-service with no consideration for humanity as a whole. Either they operate outside of the laws that govern society, or make outright attempts to break down the laws themselves, to cast our carefully constructed world into doubt and unfamiliarity. We look down on them and in doing so we see what we don't want to be. In the contrast between them and us, we reaffirm our belief that we are different in a very fundamental way; that we are better because we adhere to the laws that all members of a society should adhere to. When we see Clark Kent saving innocent people from tragedy we silently approve of his dedication to the safety of all men and women. When we see Peter Parker struggling to balance a low paying job, a love life with a beautiful woman, and his role as a masked protector halting the attempts of thugs and low life degenerates from robbing banks and businesses we see our own lives, our own struggles and recognize the ability that we possess to rise above them to do good on a greater scale. When we see Captain America battling for truth and justice under a banner of red white and blue we see the noble pursuit of equality that we can each strive to live up to. This empathy and understanding the reader experiences is one of the greatest powers that character possesses. Though none of us have been infused with super-serum, been bit by radioactive arachnids, or are in fact the last son of Krypton, we see their exaggerated and fantastic lives reflecting our own will to do good, and this reassurance is a comfort. Some characters reflect the best parts of us, some reflect the worst. I believe this to be the real purpose of character: to examine a life that is not our own and compare it to ours, and in doing so, perhaps gain some insight on ourselves.

    There is one major gap that needs to be bridged in order for the self-identification of the reader and the protagonist to be fulfilled. That gap is the one created by providing the protagonist with supernatural powers, or any kind of impossible ability (in the case of batman his resources and intellect exist on a near inhuman level, despite not actually having powers). Creating a character that does not face death is creating a character that is very difficult to identify with. Thus a weakness or vulnerability must exist, something that makes their mortality a tangible thing. Kryptonite can kill superman, and lack of exposure to the yellow sun earth orbits will drain him of power and stamina. Peter Parker is fall more vulnerable than Superman, but his primary weakness is the complication caused by his aunt and longtime love, Mary Jane Watson. In this situation we see his weakness embodied by the possibility of harm or death caused to the people he cares most about as a result of him fighting evil as Spiderman. The existence of vulnerability is essential to creating parallels between oneself and the hero, thus it is essential for a reader to see a character as an idealized self.

    The characters I've mentioned have existed in the hearts and minds of the American people for decades, and yet they remain fresh and interesting. This is because they adapt to reflect the cultural conflicts taking place in the real world at the time they are written into existence. During their origins around the Second World War they stood as a fictionalized depiction of the American Ideals. They reflected the thought that America's participation in the battle against the Nazi war machine was one born of a desire to uphold truth, justice, and freedom. During Vietnam there was a divergence. While some stood behind the flag, even being written into stories of fighting alongside American soldiers or outing communist sympathizers in the states, others focused on the tragedy of America's involvement in the war. It was in the 1970's that the Time Magazine writer Gerald Clarke stated Superman was a reflection of the modern times; a character existing in a world where "only the man with superpowers can survive and prosper." It was during these times that well known and established characters began to change more drastically and much more frequently to reflect a society that was doing the exact same. The use of character served to reflect the difference in opinions on the war that existed in our society.

    The longevity that the comic book hero has maintained is truly astonishing. To imagine the comic book tale as a popular form of modern myth is also to acknowledge that unlike the traditional or most commonly recognized structures of myth, this one has been undergoing constant change, the amount of change itself growing exponentially since creation. The original character of Superman is intensely different from who he is now, and also who he was 20 years ago, or 30 years ago. The same is true for all heroes. The longer a character lives in the spotlight of our cultural awareness, the more it has to change and bend to the will of new aspects of that culture to remain relevant, to remain a true reflection.

    To observe this in comic books one can look at the progression of many familiar characters through what is commonly defined as the Golden, Silver, and Bronze (or modern) age of comic books. The golden age is most frequently associated with the medium's beginnings, and extends into the 1950's. During this period the comic book reflected mythology not only in the terms that Schatz and Levi-Strauss put forth, but also in a very literal way. Wonder Woman originated as a princess of an pseudo Greek Amazonian Culture, the shield of Captain America that represents his country is easily comparable to the shield given to Aeneas that represents Rome, and Superman was a godlike figure who had come to earth from the heavens as a means to deliver the world from catastrophe and tragedy. Like Achilles and his heel, Superman was invincible to everything save his vulnerability to kryptonite. In terms of cultural reflection, we see Superman as the ultimate story of successful immigration to America. He came from an entirely different culture, but adopted the ideals of America's completely and entirely, often heralded as a character fighting for "truth, justice, and the American way." Captain America is the other prime example, his character is a very clear idealization of the American culture as a whole. While young men were taking off for Europe to battle the Nazi war machine, Captain America was fighting the exact same battle inside 4 color pages at every news stand across the country.

    The Silver Age of Comic books took on the new interests that were captivating the nation during its run from the 1950's to the 1970's. These interests took on a science fiction theme, which seems only natural as, we see culture becoming very interested in the role of technology in American life. The rise of atomic power, the cold war, the red scare, and the space race all took place during the rise of Peter Parker who gained his powers from the bite of a radioactive spider and the Fantastic Four who gained their powers after being exposed to solar radiation while on a mission to space. Superman went from being restricted to living on earth to being able to fly to other solar systems and galaxies, his vision became so "super" that he could analyze microorganisms and perceive the entire electromagnetic spectrum. With the threat of nuclear war on the mind of the individual, Superman could now withstand an atomic bomb's blast and remain unharmed. New threats to the culture were being dealt as they came into existence in the mind of the average American. The introduction of the X-men coincided with the early stages of the civil rights movement and dealt very heavily with issues of racism through a safe, inoffensive, and approachable story. Though the original team was made up entirely of Caucasian men and women, they were labeled as mutants and thus faced a tremendous amount of bigotry and prejudice. They battled for equality of their people as they fought evil to protect the normal every day American citizen.

The Silver Age was also a time where attention began to focus heavily on the personal lives of each hero. People were no longer content to see a character's life take place only in the public eye. Spiderman exemplifies this especially with his struggle to balance family, a love life, and school as he uses his power to stop crime and help people in need. This signifies the need for change, not only to reflect culture, but also to expand and build on the complexity of the character, to keep them from becoming stagnant or boring. In discussing the western genre of American film, Robert Warshaw states "We do not want to see the same movie over and over again, only the same form." This idea couldn't be more related to the comic book medium.

Depending on the opinion one subscribes to, one event signifies the end of the Silver Age, or the beginning of the Bronze age, which runs from the 1970's to the 1980's: The death of Gwen Stacy at the hands of the Green Goblin, and in part, her lover Peter Parker. This death is significant in being the beginning of the move to dark and gritty story lines that reflect an American culture that itself was becoming more cynical and explorative in questioning already established thought. We see for the first time minority characters entering the limelight in comics. The new line up of the X-men has a blue character called Nightcrawler, who resembles a demon but is also a devout catholic and an extremely religious character, not to mention a Russian named Colossus, and an especially well known Canadian named Wolverine.

The end of the Bronze Age during the 1980's signifies the beginning of what is most commonly referred to as the modern age of comic books. This is widely accepted as the age that is still around today. The 90's brought about a strange turn for our heroes and villains. As information became more widely accessible and America became vastly more tolerant of race and background, the comic book became much less black and white, and far more open to interpretation. The joker is no longer evil, he is clinically insane. Galactus came to earth to destroy all life not out of malicious intent, but because he is hungry and devours worlds to survive, and his herald, the Silver Surfer performed his role out of duty and promise, himself harboring no ill intent. During this time period actions that were once considered evil become understandable, and caused by events and situations that cannot be helped.

We also see the rise of the anti-hero. Wolverine and Batman become "by any means necessary" heroes, often acting in ways that are unjust to serve a greater good. We see the Punisher as a direct opposite to the truth and justice of golden age Superman, killing people he deems bad without remorse or mercy. Stories became more complex to reflect a culture that itself was becoming more complex. The characters changing was unavoidable.

It is also during the Bronze Age that the literal death of the old hero occurred. Onslaught murdered not only Captain America, but the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. Batman has his back broken in a confrontation with the powerhouse Bane. The most well-known event in comic books during the 1990's is the death of Superman at the hands of Doomsday, a creature devoid of reason or understanding, a voiceless monster that crossed America destroying everything in his path. Superman's death was not the death of a character; it was the death of his past. It was the death of where the medium had begun; he was the one character who had changed the least, the one that still represented the American Ideal that comic books grew out of. He was killed and in his place, different variations of the character, all darker and more twisted came to be. American culture was no longer interested in the past, and wanted the medium to reflect what was happening in the present.

My own personal experiences in observing the comic book act as myth by reflecting cultural needs and conflicts revolve around post 9/11 America. Almost a decade ago, in a time when 9/11 was fresh in our minds, these characters, were drawn alongside firefighters and policemen. There are two images that still stand out in my mind. One is Captain America kneeling, holding a young girl's hand; tears' flowing from his eyes as a policeman helps him to stand and a firefighter orders his fellow men to help rescue someone from the wreckage of the towers.

The other is Victor Von (Doctor) Doom, stoic and terrible in his Latverian castle, tears in his eyes at the cowardice of the people who committed the acts that make the day so memorable to us. Picture a young reader, not fully understanding the repercussions of what was occurring in the news, seeing his favorite literary characters crying over the events of that day. Imagine the understanding that would stem from that moment, the sudden clarity of just how big of an event it was. To pursue this reflection even further, recall the faltering support of the American government and the disillusionment with the Iraq war among many Americans in the years after the towers fell. In one of the biggest events in the history of the Marvel universe Steve Rogers, better known as Captain America directly assesses these feelings. He says:

Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: the requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world - "No, you move."

Again, we see a clear example of a character reflecting the conflicts of the world the reader resides in, so directly that he is almost breaking the fourth wall. In seeking understanding of the character, the reader can see the personification of cultural issues that need to be addressed, even if they are not fully aware of the issues in a conscious way. This is a perfect example of Levi-Strauss's unobservable realities versus observable phenomena. This particular example is one that is given extra emphasis by the fact that the character is justifying dissent against the authoritative powers of the society he stands for in pursuit of truth and righteousness. This reflection of conflict, defined by character, is exactly what Levi-Strauss and Schatz are defining as myth.

    The idea of character is a vast one, and even if one assembled a room full of the world's most amazing creators of literature and character they would most likely end up providing different answers on what it truly is. However, in a time where the notion of myth is overshadowed by information, scientific discovery, and religion, where do we go to celebrate the temporarily resolved cultural conflict? Where do we look when we want to find answers to questions we may not have asked ourselves? What do we do when we find ourselves seeking out instances of our own nature, of our own humanity? The answer might be closer than you think; nestled in life of a character living in the pages of a newsstand comic. As a boy that was bitten by a radioactive spider, as a man fighting for truth and justice under the banner of a country that has begun to forget the real meaning of both, or as a red and blue clad hero that landed in Kansas as a baby wrapped in a red blanket over 50 years ago.


Monday, November 15, 2010

New Girl Talk: "All Day" Download!!


(front cover)

It's been released for free, so if you get a chance to show love, please do so, the man is a god for not charging people to listen to his music.

You can download it from this link(see below) or from the official website. I was having trouble with the official page (too many mufuckas downloading it at once) so I put it up here for anyone else having trouble.


(back cover)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Back from the dead!

Holy Fuck. It's been forever. Let's not waste time.

Mumford and Sons, I was a little slow on the uptake with these 4 guys. That said, I am doing my best to catch up. If you dont know them, this is the song that sealed the deal for me.

Cant say I know anything about this dude really. Aside from the fact that comes from the cultural Mecca of the Northwest, you may know it as Seattle Washington, if you're lucky, you may know it as home. Dude holds it down, beats a little bit out there, but bangs regardless.

Carl put me on. Its dope. I'm torrenting everything i can find by both involved parties.

If you haven't heard this you're a chump that needs to log off his dad's AOL account. Sad I missed him in Seattle. So is Pete

Little Brother put me on to this, he saw her at the Of Montreal show at the paramount and said she was crazy dope. He was right.



I love the new Matt and Kim. It's like their last album fucked a nintendo or something. Fantastic. Fuck. LOVE IT.

Sorry thats all for now. I will try to post the full albums if I have time later. School is keeping me SUPER busy. Sorry guys.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What dreams are made of. (I'm SO JELLY)

Great Dreams are made of Daft Punk and other people doing stuff together. Wet dreams are daft punk doing shit by themselves, this is why I've got my fingers crossed for a new album before I am too old to consume the amount of drugs that would be ideal for their N. American tour. That however, is really neither here nor there.
So lets set the stage here:
Phoenix played a show at Madison Square Garden last night. Now I like Phoenix, a lot. I always wondered how their first few albums flew under my radar, because its a sound that is as fresh now as it was a decade ago, and I was into that kind of music enough to appreciate by, oh lets say, 05 (OH FIVE OH FIVE).

I am getting off topic, so phoenix played a show at MSG, and who should show up for the encore but my favorite two french men/robots! At this point I would literally be sobbing like those teenage girls you see in old black and white footage of Beatles concerts. Daft punk performed Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger and switched over to around The World towards the end of this video. Phoenix played 1901 with Daft Punk doing some back up...awesomeness. Anyways, just another thing I would have punched ANY ONE OF YOU in the face to go see (gladly).

This is when they start

This is the same thing, but doesnt go as far, beter quality though

the first one overlaps a bit with this

but this follows it all the way through phoenix doing 1901 and has pretty damn good audio for what I am assuming is a digital camera or an iphone. In other words IF YOU ARE GOING TO WATCH ONE OF THESE IT MIGHT NEED TO BE THIS ONE.


This is them rocking out together to the end, and finally, a group bow to the audience. Its weird to see live concert footage of them standing at the front of the stage so well lit.

It really seems like there was a lot of musical respect going on there. They both play backup for the other, and there isnt any show stealing. Well...other than the unavoidable show stealing that Daft Punk being on stage creates.

Alright, well there you go!

Someday I will see them.



Song of the day

I am FOR SURE not consistent/decisive/(*insert positive character trait*) enough to put up ONE DEFINITIVE song of the day. Today however, I am.
It is this.
This is it.
Your boy loves this track
and that aint bullshit (Horton Voice)

4 girls from LA (super original right?) laying down some subtle sexy laid back tunes. It's nice, like being underwater in a hot tub. I've seen it all over the place, so I bet a lot of you have too. Here it is again!

Undertow - Warpaint by HayleyRD

A quick break from the grind.

Another productive day of studying (no, really, it was) and I am ready to unwind with some banger jams and a flippin smoke.

first off, this is an oldie but I felt like posting it just in case you hadn't heard it. I can't say I'm all that in love with the original song, but this is a BANGER remix.

Faker - This Heart Attack (Miami Horror Remix) by Jixxy

Big up to SP the ghost and his electronic oriented musical tastes. Dude put me on to the bloody beatroots and I am glad he did this song is ridiculous.

The Bloody Beetroots - Fucked From Above 1985 by annepereira.

Ooooh and he showed me this too


Monday, October 18, 2010

annnnnnnnnnd this is old but its fucking hilarious and awesome.



He got her back, and shes pregnant. fuck yeah man.

Just a few songs to start the week off

I heard this about 20 minutes ago. Its amazing. I absolutely adore it.

Dudes name is Chris Mansfield. He's a Seattle boy, an awesome looking one at that. No homo.

'guess i got just what i wanted
we're both alone at my dad's house
and now's my chance to finally kiss you
but i got drunk and i passed out

i'm fucking up i'm fucking up i'm fucking up everything'

oh lordy I've been there. I guess I just have to learn to live with the fact that I will never know what could have been if I hadnt gotten so drunk...or thought of something clever to say.

Just realized that the sara quinn featured on this song is the same sara from Tegan and Sara. This makes me love it a million times more, as she and her sister are two of the coolest people I have had the pleasure of seeing live (three times).

mmmmmmmm sooooooooooooooogoooooooooooooooooooooood


Of every song on Macklemore and Ryan Lewis's 'VS.' EP I cant say that I adore any other half as much as 'Otherside.' That's saying a lot when you consider how much I like the rest of the tracks. This remix is super minimalistic. They dropped the sample, and at first it felt almost eerily quiet. Its a testiment to Macklemore's work that he can carry a track that's (almost) accapella and still make it sound like some serious studio on-the-album shit. Fences (see above post) does some great vocal work on the hook. All in all, I think its sick, and I think its worthy of having Macl's verses from Otherside on it. Cant wait to hear the other remixes.

Click to go checkout the new Macklemore REMIX for 'Otherside' at

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tracks for an afternoon on the day after tuesday

JUST SO YOU KNOW: You can downoad tracks that I post like the ones below by cliking the arrow that points down on the right side of the box they play in.
(I realized that might be worth mentioning to those of you that are beating your head against your keyboards because you want to put these songs on your ipod SO BAD but cant figure out how to download them. It's coo, I gotcha.

The War on Drugs's new track is enough to make the most dedicated city boy crave the country side, white horses, and a glass of watered down whiskey sloshing around in a dirtyglass/jug with three X's on it/leather boot.

Or it could just be me.
Comin' Through - The War On Drugs by musicmanners

I'm a little confused that it says Travis barker featuring the cool kids. Feels like it should be the other way around. Cool Kids come once again sounding harder than diamonds without rapping about shit to make themselves sound harder than diamonds. If you don't know them, peep the second track down, it goes hard. I showed this song to my boy Mundro back in the day, he will probably really appreciate me saying that.

Travis Barker - Jump Down (feat. The Cool Kids) by Insoportable Magazine
The Cool Kids - Black Mags by CarlitosLion

I don't know much about the music scene in Austrailia, I'm afraid I am guilty of making the assumption that every band down there has Russel Crowe's crazy ass it. Besides, who wants to listen to a bunch of descendants of rapists and killer whine about how they burned the "shrimp on their barby." Unnecessary stereotyping aside, this track from the Aussie duo Gypsy and the Cat is pretty dope, although, half the reason I am posting the original is because if you are like me, you don't want to listen to a remix of a song unless you know where it's coming from.

The Piper's Song by robbie fitz

Kind of a laid back passion pit sound, its nice. Anyway, the remix cuts into the original track with some real rainbow colored synth and light guitars. Makes me wanna go ride a Kangaroo.

Also I formally apologize to Fergus Brown, who is awesome, and very much an Austrailian. Even if he read this though, he would probably be too busy getting into your girlfriends pants to care.

The Piper's Song (Aeroplane Remix) by Thechickendonut

Let me inform you, in case you didn't know. I fucking love Lil Boosie. He transcends the few things I dont like about the genre of rap he belongs to.

Watch my back, hold my forty while I drive, when I fuck you with no rubber coz i love you deep inside, girl"


No soundcloud link, but you can listen to and DL the track at

Saharan Gazelle Boy.

I know nothing about this band, and have nothing to say about them. This song is a banger joint though.

Thats all for right now. I'm compiling a big list of entire albums to post on here, I know its a lot of work to hear a song you like, and then have to go find the place to download it, and then download it. Especially if you suffer from GOTIS, also known as Girl On The Internet Syndrome.

No thanks needed ma'am, just doin my job.

Also Annie Hall is a hilarious film and I reccomend you go watch it.

and also Chinatown.

and also Rear Window.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dont you love it when people come together for something important?

Fuck a cause, I'm talking artist packed collabo videos like the one from A-Trak and Amand Van Helden, known when together as Duck Sauce. Check out appearances from Santolgold, Kanye, Yelawolf, Diplo, P Thug [from Chromeo], Pharrel, and ya'boy from Vampire Weekend. Check it out, Barbara Streisand by Duck Sauce.

EDIT: and ?uestlove [my bad bro].

Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday Mix

Alright party people, lets try and start this week off right with what I hope will be some new music that you may have never heard of before! It's OK, you can thank me later, I'm quite partial to v neck shirts, colorful jeans, and Marlboro cigarettes.


Also, It must be getting close to midterms, because I didn't go to sleep last night.

Here's the new Deerhunter track off their upcoming album Halcyon Digest. Its nice, casual and chill. Cold/Sunny day music.

Helicopter - Deerhunter by musicmanners

AND as a bonus, here is a suuuuuuper dope remix.
Deerhunter - Helicopter (STAR SLINGER REMIX) by Star Slinger

The new arcade fire is pretty damn bangin. I still cant order the albums from most to least liked, but maybe that isnt the worst thing in the world. This track has been getting pretty substantial rotation on my itunes, let me know what you think.

Arcade Fire - Ready to Start by Humbertosilva

You can download the entire album here on mediafire:
Arcade Fire - Suburbs

I dont know these guys except for this song, but its pretty cutty.

The Fresh & Onlys - Waterfall by The Wounded Jukebox

Here's a new track from a band called Small Black off their new album. It kind of reminds me of the black kids without such a lead singer presence, and with less androgyny...Its good anyways though.

Small Black - Search Party by Xerek

This is a bit of a throwback, but I rediscovered it today, it was the first song I heard by Crystal Castles and really got me into their sound. Shit.Is.Sick.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST, another track from Bag Raiders, because I cant stop playing their shit.


Friday, October 8, 2010

Completely forgot about my girl Regina

This is where I struggle to say what I am trying to say. I would love to be able to communicate how much I adore Regina Spektor's music, but it is a difficult thing to do. It certainly isn't for every mood, and I don't listen to it when I am being social or having a ball with my friends. I don't listen to it to fall asleep, and I don't listen to it when I am sad. Yet, it still finds a place, a little niche in my life, where it fits in quite perfectly.

Her new album Far feels very much to a me a continuation of Begin to Hope. It's a farther depart from Soviet Kitsch. Certainly more polished and a little more intense, in a less static and messy kind of way. It's good. This is (unless I am mistaken) the single, it's fucking radical.

02 Eet- regina spektor by paperbacks

If you're interested, Here's the link for the entire album . Hope you enjoy it!

Tracks to bump while you get bent tonight.

Well another Friday has reared is potentially beautiful head and your boy(robot) is here to assist with your reckless drinking and banger bumpery.

I haven't quite reworked this equation, but it seems like a step in the right direction. That said, I consider anyone collaborating with daft punk on anything a step in the right direction. Say its not true I dare you.

Not to sure about all those white girls though. That's kind of....weird.

ANYWAYS, putting weird groups of white bitches behind us. Here's the new(ish) Kanye track with Common Pusha T Kid Cudi Big Seal and Charlie Wilson

Kanye West - Good Friday (feat. Common, Pusha T, Kid Cudi, Big Sean & Charlie Wilson) by waveofsounds

Pretty damn bumpy.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Song(s) of the day: ಠ_ಠ edition

So during the excessive drinking of cheap beer and whiskey that occured last night, Ripper put me on to a couple new bands. One of them you see above. His explanation of Bag Raiders was that they were just like daft punk - Two guys, french, making house(ish) music and being awesome (see them riding on top of flying cars in video below for proof). So far I am DIGGIN. It's just the right amount of everything and I cant help but bounce to it.


because they are always relevant. God this song is dope.

So is Chromeo

I am coming to the conclusion that I need to start planning my blog updates better. or at least keep to some kind of theme

Happy Listening Space Cowboy


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Karen O Country Cover

Karen O did a country song, its a cover. I fucking love covers.
Thanks to (found on) Some Kind of Awesome for the link.

Karen O. (of Yeah Yeah Yeahs) - "If You're Gonna Be Dumb, You Gotta Be Tough" by Some Kind of Awesome


Karen you beautiful work of art.

Cant wait to show this to my own little lady, she loves country and rot gut whiskey, so this should be just right for her.

Bon Iver not featuring Kanye West

As you may or may not be aware, our multi talented friend and musical genius Justin Vernon has been in the lab collab'n with Kanye West lately. Im not putting that down, but I thought it might be nice to give my hypothetical readers a chance to hear some stuff by them they may not be aware of. For Emma Forever Ago is an exceptional album, and you should go out and listen to it. This is not it.

This is the Blood Bank EP he put out in 2009. The title track makes my heart hum. Its fucking radical.
Youtube Vid below, Link Below that. Peep.

Download the Bon Iver Blood Bank EP

Y'know what, fuck it, heres a track with him and yeezy
Kanye West - Lost In The World [HQ] by Urban Islandz

NOTE: its leaked, so ignore the lil jon sounded summuma bitch hyping some gay shit.



HOT FOR 96 6 6 6 6



Song(s) of the day: hip hop edition

I give you Mac Miller. The quintessential high school hip hop head, too talented for his lyrical content but making it OK because he is only 17 and lets be honest, his life really does consist primarily of Nike kicks, smoking weed, gaming on girls, and all the other beautiful little activities that go hand in hand with city living. Dude has flows.

Ive checked out his mixtape, its super dope, lot of old school "New-York-in-the-90's" beats (see above.) Titled K.I.D.S. (kickin incredibly dope shit), it beats pretty hard and any real hip hop head can appreciate it, even if they don't really love it.

Next up:

Chiddy Bang, you've probably heard of your boy if you spend any time blog hopping for new music. THe online community seems to be quite taken with him, and I am as well. Patiently awaiting a real mix tape, it should be sick



No updates in forever, fucking sick.

Well here you go, new tracks/albums to blast.

The new Brandon Flowers has been steady blastin in my super shitty headphones lately. Its got a real weird feel of new age Bruce Springsteen. Its very honest and upfront about being an album that, more than anything else, is about American people living lives in the nooks and cranny of what one could consider Real America. No city scapes or subway stops here, just good old fashioned sacred highways from Nogales to Magdalena. Its good, I hope you take the time to listen and maybe enjoy it.

Download Full Album Here


Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti- Bright Lit Blue Sky

Not too sure what to say about this, it's weird. Heard the track from a friend. Looked up the band and I liked what I heard. It's got a old surf rock vibe to it. With the full back up singers on the chorus. I might only be labeling it like that because the guitars have kind of a shreddy thing going. Anyways, I'm sure this will be sort of hit or miss for most everyone that listens, lemme know what you think.

Speaking of surf sounds...

BEST COAST! I would imagine these gals will be popping up all over the fucking place before too long, so I may as well associate myself with their music early to earn myself some hipster points. Try to imagine grunge rock originating not in Seattle, but in the sunny surf oriented culture of california. Lots of guitar feedback and reverb muddle an upbeat style of laid back surf rock. Picture Kobain as a girl, on a good day, eating a bowl of lucky charms. There ya go. Peep game, yo.

Download Best Coasts "Crazy For You"

I'll end this on a familiar note, I would imagine that anyone reading this, assuming anyone reads this, would have a solid idea about what Matt and Kim are about musically. Their new track hits hard just the ones from their previous album, but has a real swagger to it that certainly wasn't their in their previous work. I wont get into it to much, but I highly recommend you check it out.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Because I miss the Eurovan.

Takes me back to days spent traveling though my litle city in the wayward whale with Hase fam.

Song(s) of the day.

Couple songs today. First one is a cover of a Kid Cudi song by the band(girl?) Lissie. It's cuts, check it out.

Second one is something the homie put me on to. I havent listened to their entire album yet, but I am excited to do so.

Enjoy. Expect to see some activity and new faces before too long, that dick that stole my pabst is trying to hack my blog. Fucking Robots.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Song of the Day: Black Actor Edition

If you are worth you're weight in pretty much anything. You are already aware of this musical triumph. Hopefully this paid for the couch Rick James so unabashedly grinding his platform cowboy boots into. Regardless, CUTS.

In the same basic line of entertainment (black actors from the early 80's being silly) Check out the colt 45 commercials with Billy Dee "Lando Calrisian" Williams.

Fuck Mel Gibson

FUCK this guy

Somebody needs to put this guy down.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Yes. Yes, I did.
Strap the fuck in
turn the volume up to 11
It's Jacob Eskenazi's motherFUCKING BLOG.

Hello universe, it's nice to see you. I'm sure if you are here, you must know who I am and all about my philaderpistic ways.

Soooo this is it. My blog, Hopefully I will update it from time to time over the course of the summer, maybe throw up some jams to share with the homies, some BBQ playlists or something. Maybe I'll never come back to this page again. Who knows. I'll see you around internet, you stay classy.