Monday, October 18, 2010

Just a few songs to start the week off

I heard this about 20 minutes ago. Its amazing. I absolutely adore it.

Dudes name is Chris Mansfield. He's a Seattle boy, an awesome looking one at that. No homo.

'guess i got just what i wanted
we're both alone at my dad's house
and now's my chance to finally kiss you
but i got drunk and i passed out

i'm fucking up i'm fucking up i'm fucking up everything'

oh lordy I've been there. I guess I just have to learn to live with the fact that I will never know what could have been if I hadnt gotten so drunk...or thought of something clever to say.

Just realized that the sara quinn featured on this song is the same sara from Tegan and Sara. This makes me love it a million times more, as she and her sister are two of the coolest people I have had the pleasure of seeing live (three times).

mmmmmmmm sooooooooooooooogoooooooooooooooooooooood


Of every song on Macklemore and Ryan Lewis's 'VS.' EP I cant say that I adore any other half as much as 'Otherside.' That's saying a lot when you consider how much I like the rest of the tracks. This remix is super minimalistic. They dropped the sample, and at first it felt almost eerily quiet. Its a testiment to Macklemore's work that he can carry a track that's (almost) accapella and still make it sound like some serious studio on-the-album shit. Fences (see above post) does some great vocal work on the hook. All in all, I think its sick, and I think its worthy of having Macl's verses from Otherside on it. Cant wait to hear the other remixes.

Click to go checkout the new Macklemore REMIX for 'Otherside' at

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