Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Song(s) of the day: hip hop edition

I give you Mac Miller. The quintessential high school hip hop head, too talented for his lyrical content but making it OK because he is only 17 and lets be honest, his life really does consist primarily of Nike kicks, smoking weed, gaming on girls, and all the other beautiful little activities that go hand in hand with city living. Dude has flows.

Ive checked out his mixtape, its super dope, lot of old school "New-York-in-the-90's" beats (see above.) Titled K.I.D.S. (kickin incredibly dope shit), it beats pretty hard and any real hip hop head can appreciate it, even if they don't really love it.

Next up:

Chiddy Bang, you've probably heard of your boy if you spend any time blog hopping for new music. THe online community seems to be quite taken with him, and I am as well. Patiently awaiting a real mix tape, it should be sick



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