Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Back from the dead!

Holy Fuck. It's been forever. Let's not waste time.

Mumford and Sons, I was a little slow on the uptake with these 4 guys. That said, I am doing my best to catch up. If you dont know them, this is the song that sealed the deal for me.

Cant say I know anything about this dude really. Aside from the fact that comes from the cultural Mecca of the Northwest, you may know it as Seattle Washington, if you're lucky, you may know it as home. Dude holds it down, beats a little bit out there, but bangs regardless.

Carl put me on. Its dope. I'm torrenting everything i can find by both involved parties.

If you haven't heard this you're a chump that needs to log off his dad's AOL account. Sad I missed him in Seattle. So is Pete

Little Brother put me on to this, he saw her at the Of Montreal show at the paramount and said she was crazy dope. He was right.



I love the new Matt and Kim. It's like their last album fucked a nintendo or something. Fantastic. Fuck. LOVE IT.

Sorry thats all for now. I will try to post the full albums if I have time later. School is keeping me SUPER busy. Sorry guys.

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